Polimerbio inaugurates a new laboratory in the Technological Park of Gipuzkoa
Polimerbio’s new laboratory will allow the biotech company to work in a more versatile and agile way, and to diversify the portfolio of materials on which it works.
Polimerbio’s new laboratory will allow the biotech company to work in a more versatile and agile way, and to diversify the portfolio of materials on which it works.
A double graduate in Biology and Biochemistry from the University of Navarra, he takes over from Juan Carlos Antigüedad at the head of the Basque
Today we meet María Pozo, regulatory and quality controller at Polimerbio.
She studied Biology at the University of Salamanca and her professional career until joining Polimerbio has been developed in the United Kingdom.
We inform you that Polimerbio’s activity has just moved to the Tandem building in the San Sebastian Technological Park.
For a company like Polimerbio, whose goal is to become a manufacturer of medical devices, developing a quality management system is a fundamental step.
Polimerbio has received the trust of Fundación Biozientziak Gipuzkoa Fundazioa, specialized in the identification and support of business projects in the bioscience sector.
Proyecto nº ZE-2022/00021 – ITEAS – Investigación en TErapias AvanzadaS para la resolución de necesidades médicas no resueltas
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